The Simply Luxurious Life®: The Weekend . . .  

January 18, 2013

The Weekend . . .

For myself, a long weekend full of celebration, learning and relaxation awaits, and for you as well I hope. A good friend has been exhaustively working on establishing the Josephy Art Center in my childhood town, and I am thrilled to celebrate her efforts and toast to what is sure to be a great venue for expanding the arts to people in the community. Along the same vein, I will be trying to hone my photography skills as I am eager for the one-on-one lesson scheduled this weekend. Who knows what I will walk away with, but it won’t be for a lack of talent that is offering the knowledge.

Here is a look back on the week on the blog. Oh, and be sure to check out this week’s newsletter as the winner of Julie Vos’ silver link necklace is announced!

~Why Less is More . . . the most popular post of the week

~Why Not . . . Reinvent Yourself?

~My Trip to Atlanta & Driving an Encore! 

~Style Inspiration: Colors & Details

~Want & Have Outfit: No. 17 . . . new ideas for a classic piece

~This & That: No. 41 . . . my favorite boots are on sale, my new preferred wine glass to keep on the shelves and more

And this week’s newsletter – issue #132 – click here to read.

Stay warm this weekend (or cool for my southern hemisphere readers), and have a wonderful few days off. Until Monday, bonjour.

Images: (1) pinterest  (2) source


At January 18, 2013 at 7:38 AM , Blogger nina said...

I LOVE your blog... I collect them, archive them, re-read them... forward them.. get inspired by them.. Just love them! You make my wee-end!


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