The Simply Luxurious Life®: Article to Read – Defining Having it All  

September 10, 2013

Article to Read – Defining Having it All

Delia Ephron, Nora Ephron’s sister, using her gift of humor and wisdom and insights on life, tackled the issue of “Having it All” in this past Sunday’s New York Times’ Sunday Review.

As open-ended as “all” presumes, she is exasperated by how specific the American female version of “all” actually is, and rightly questions it and its roots.

I encourage you to read her article titled “You Can’t Have it All, But You Can Have Cake” and join the discussion. What does having it all look like to you? As for me, after reading her article, I can confidently say, I have it all and more, and I have a feeling when you take the time to look around your life, you do as well.

Feel free to share your thoughts after reading the article in the comments below or on Facebook.

~Ephron’s article is adapted from a forthcoming book Sister Mother Husband Dog: Etc. which will be released on September 17th.

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At September 10, 2013 at 9:44 AM , Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this article by Delia Ephron. My view is the "more is better" concept of materialism leads us to keep score with others in the "having it all" race. How liberating, then, it is when we eschew "stuff" and instead live more simply and luxuriously, in the manner you describe in your blog. How fulfilling, then, it is when we seize the moments of peace and perfection and realize our blessings bubble up from our soul rather than from our outward condition.

At September 12, 2013 at 7:20 PM , Blogger SimpleStyleSpirit said...

I loved Delia Ephron's article. I've always agreed with Oprah who says, "You can have it all. Just not all at once."


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