The Simply Luxurious Life®: The Weekend . . .  

September 21, 2012

The Weekend . . .

A wonderful week of routine and productivity has passed, but it has also been a week that has wore me out. A deep bathtub full of warm bubbles is what I am longing to step into this weekend as the week comes to a close and fall arrives. While it isn’t time to wear sweaters just yet, knowing that such occasions are around the corner makes me just a little bit excited.

I hope this past week has treated you well, and you are looking forward to a weekend where you able to snuggle in a loved ones arms, provide comfort to someone you care about and nimble on something that is a little bit naughty.

This past week on the blog began with the opportunity to enter the ModMade Goods giveaway (enter here), and continued to include posts regarding mindfulness, healthy weight loss and of course style, style and more style. Have a look:

~Monday’s Motivation . . . 11 Ways to Live More Mindfully

~Style Inspiration: Something Unexpected

~A new regular style post . . . Want & Have Outfit: No. 1

~The most popular post of the week . . . Why Not . . . Lose Those Last 10 Pounds?

~This & That: No. 25 . . . a comfort food recipe, a book to inspire and a calendar to keep you stylish each week of the year

~JENESEQUA: Mid-Week Motivation - 10 Ways to Avoid Drama

And have a look at this week’s newsletter – issue #117 – click here to read.

I wish you a wonderful few days to close your eyes, sneak in a quick nap, or come alive doing exactly as you please. Until Monday, bonjour.

Images: (1) pinterest (2) pinterest


At September 28, 2012 at 8:16 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Wish you all the lucks! :) Glad to hear your story.
I can relate to this, my ozeri scale also awaken me to have a healthy lifestyle.
And I'm very thankful for bathroom scale.


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