The Simply Luxurious Life®: JENESEQUA – March 2012 Issue  

March 8, 2012

JENESEQUA – March 2012 Issue

The March 2012 issue of JENESEQUA style magazine is now available to view on your iPad! Full or even more content, tips, inspiration and ideas than another other issue in the past, you’ll find 30+ articles that will prep your wardrobe, home, beauty and life for spring.

The founder and editor Melissa Middleton has been hard at work updating, incorporating reader feedback and working with her many contributors for the magazine. A new contribution that was assigned to me that I am thrilled about is a regular monthly column “Style Tips” where I share images of style captured on the street and share a tip anyone can take away and incorporate in their own wardrobe. But be sure to have a look at take-away style ideas from the spring runways - “Femininity with a Twist” as well as so many other amazing articles. If you haven’t already downloaded the free app, click here.

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At March 16, 2012 at 2:01 AM , Blogger Mila said...

As much as I like your blog and especially the 17 ways to simplify.... I can't believe your topic 7, keeping the bathroom clean: use a disposable wipe, every day???? Do you know how much waste this will create if people would follow? What about using a wipe and cleaning it afterwards? There are no killer bacterias in our home and we don't have to clean as if we will do a bypass surgery... thinking a little bit of the environment would be great!


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