The Simply Luxurious Life®: Links a la Mode: April 7th  

April 7, 2011

Links a la Mode: April 7th

This past week the book review I was anxiously waiting to post was very well received by you, my readers, as well as Independent Fashion Blogger’s editor Meghan Donovan of WIT & Whimsy.  I was very happy to be included among other very talented and well-respected bloggers.  With some wonderful posts in a variety of avenues fashion invades, be sure to peruse the list below.  Thank you again Meghan for choosing Parisian Chic: A Style Guide by Ines de la Fressange

It’s Not All About the Clothes

Edited by Meghan Donovan at WIT & Whimsy

If you’re a fashion blogger, you know that personal style is often not just about what apparel you put on each day, but it’s about accessories and shoes and beauty, but even more so, it’s about the little elements in every day life that inspire you and influence your taste. As fashion blogging continues to evolve I’ve watched more and more bloggers share little intimate looks into their every day lives, the moments that fill their weekends with joy and those unexpected experiences – as trivial as they may be sometimes – that have you taking to the keyboard and storytelling to your readers.

Links à la Mode: April 7th


At April 8, 2011 at 5:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How lovely that you were included, you work so hard at this mini magazine - you really deserve it.


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