Taking Control Of Your Spending: Part 2
{A simply luxurious life, while full of the concept less is more, luxuriates in the decadence of high quality, complementary style and an appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us in decor, fashion, nature and people themselves. One does not need to maintain a balance in the bank that one might associate with a millionaire, however, it would be a mistake for me not to address the fact, that being secure financially – just the knowledge of this fact – brings about a priceless piece of mind that contributes greatly to a well-balanced simply luxurious life.
With that said, my new series every Friday will focus on sharing a bit of financial food for thought that will help you create a sound financial life that makes it possible to make the choices that will help you create the life of your dreams. Because after all, simply having choices is a luxury – enabling independence, however we might choose to go about our every day lives. }
Last week, we began this mini-series with two financial savvy habits to begin to incorporate into your daily routine. This week, we continue the series with two more habits.
1. Know Your Numbers
It might be surprising to note that many people really don’t know exactly how much their net income is. While we may know what our contract states is our gross income or hourly wage, upon receiving a paycheck, it is imperative that we know where that money “we never really see” is going. For example, how much is taken out for health benefits, taxes and other automatic withdrawals we may have chosen to partake in years ago? Remember, knowledge is power, so know your numbers.
2. Spend Less Than You Earn
“I think the nicest thing you can say about a woman is that she lives well ,and she lives below her means.”
This particular quote is pinned to my idea wall in my office, and I find myself looking at it whenever I feel I should make a purchase that I know I may not be able to afford. It tends to immediately put into perspective what matters when it comes to financial security and success. After all, just a few decades ago women weren’t expected to know how to handle their finances without help. The truth is, being financially savvy is empowering and truly sets you free to be and live the life you have dreamed for yourself. So do the math, keep it simple and spend less that you earn. I know we can do it.
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Labels: financial savvy
I just found your blog yesterday, I am not sure how, but I am in love. Thanks you for writing such a beautiful blog that is bringing me a lot of joy!
I just read Living the Savvy Life and these are key points in their book.
I check in to see what you've written each day and I enjoy my time here!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Julianne - so happy you have stopped by and found the blog. :) Your words mean a lot. I hope you continue to enjoy what you find here. Have a beautiful weekend.
hostess of the humble bungalow - so glad you enjoy what you find here on the blog. Melissa Tosetti's book is a great resource isn't? I have a feeling I will be rereading it many times. Thank you for stopping by. :)
Such amazing advice Shannon! I love this series, and I think its something that so many of us need to hear.
Very nice. I've recently learned not to spend money I don't have. I used to buy myself things on credit and then pay it back when I got paid. No more. Pay as you go and if you can't pay, don't go has become my motto. Because what if something comes up in between that you hadn't accounted for. Spending what you don't have or counting chickens before they are hatched is not wise. There is immense pride and self-love in doing without when it is in the interest of securing your financial future.
I especially love the 2nd point. This always stops me in my tracks when i try to get into mindless shopping
xoxo Hermine
Great advice! Love that quote! xo
Pret a Porter P - such great words of advice - "it's one thing to afford something, it's another to maintain." Thank you for sharing this. A very valuable thought to always keep in mind.
Dwell & Design - I am happy you enjoying the series. It's funny, because I am finding it so reassuring to hear from other women who are making sound decisions when it comes to money. Very inspiring to me as well.
Laura - You are absolutely right - it is all about self-love and having pride in yourself. Such wonderful points.
I really like this new series Shannon, short, sweet and to the point. Thank you so much for putting this information out there for us.
xoxo Carrie
I also just found your blog and I'm loving it. I'll be spending a lot of time getting caught up with past posts.
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